"Where does design come in? Design isn't always what we think it is, design is normally the way we think about things right from the beginning of a problem and actually using it to understand the problem."
Someone - Simon Manchipp, Gary Hall, David Law
launching/relaunch and managing brands.
Their opinion "Logos are dying, as it is expensive, not very useful, confusing and boring"
(I strongly disagree! Logos and branding works together my opinion is that a brand must have a logo for a business to expand. Logo on it's own can sometimes leave question marks in our minds, this is where branding comes in to established what it is, the logo acts as a device that can then be applied with the brand identity to anything that will convey, who they are, what they do and where they from. once the brand identity and logo are seen together from it's demographic then the logo acts as a sign, a mark of identity on its own.)
Everyone has opinions what's yours?
Mike Dempsey
Tips of being a good designer
Look - really see can find solutions staring at you
Read - many ideas come from reading, read the copy your given
Ideas - look for ideas in project
History - absorb all previous experiences
Passion - passion is infectious
Curiosity - got to be curious to look for things and may find the solution to your problem
No - be persuasive and push
Rules - learn the rules before breaking them
Words - not just visual
Voice - is an instrument never underestimate, to communicate effectively
Ego - got to be different
Rejection - learn from it, get up and fight another day

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